
Marist Again Named One of the Nation's Best Colleges by the Princeton Review


这是连续第十年了, bet亚洲365欢迎投注 is one of the nation's best institutions for undergraduate education, 根据普林斯顿评论. Marist is included in "The Best 377 Colleges," the new 2013 edition of The Princeton Review's annual guide. Only about 15 percent of America's 2,500 four-year colleges, and three colleges outside the U.S.,都包括在这本书里. 

导游须知, "While students are undoubtedly drawn to bet亚洲365欢迎投注's 'beautiful campus on the Hudson' and 'magnificent scenery,' it is the private school's abundance of academic offerings that really gets students excited."

In particular, the guide highlights Marist's business, psychology, and study abroad programs. 事实上, this is also the second consecutive year that Marist is included in The Princeton Review's "top 20" list for "most popular study abroad program,排名第七. Nearly half of the Marist student body spends some time studying in one of more than 30 countries where the College has programs, 包括在佛罗伦萨的校园, 意大利.

The guide's profile goes on to say that "Marist is able to hold its own against larger schools when it comes to resources," noting a unique partnership with IBM that helps give it top-rate computer facilities, “伟大的图书馆”," a wealth of student activities and athletic programs, and its spectacular Hudson River Valley surroundings that prompt students to "wax rhapsodic."

在描述圣母学院时, "students gush about their professors who are 'top-notch,“知识渊博的, 活泼,' and 'often accessible and approachable outside of the classroom.一位学生说, 'They are always inclusive in class discussions, and they have a zest and spark for what they're teaching us.'

"We commend bet亚洲365欢迎投注 for its outstanding academics, which is the primary criteria for our selection of schools for the book,罗伯特·弗兰克说, Princeton Review's Senior Vice President and Publisher and author of "The Best 377 Colleges."  "Our choices are based on institutional data we collect about schools, 这些年来我们对学校的访问, feedback we gather from students attending the schools, and the opinions of our staff and our 30-member National College Counselor Advisory Board.  We also work to keep a wide representation of colleges in the book by region, 大小, 选择性和特性."

bet亚洲365欢迎投注院长丹尼斯. 莫里说, "Marist's continued inclusion in this prestigious publication is particularly gratifying because it is based so much on feedback from our students."

穆雷接着说, “这些结果告诉我们, along with other external distinctions and our own surveys, is that students are drawn to Marist for its quality faculty, 强大的学术课程, and great internship and study abroad opportunities. 曾经在这里, they immerse themselves in the college experience and receive an excellent education before graduating and going on to find rewarding jobs or enrolling in graduate school."


In including Marist's study abroad program on its "top 20" list, The Princeton Review recognized a growing and diverse program that sees nearly half of all Marist undergraduates going overseas to study in more than 30 countries, 包括bet亚洲365欢迎投注的佛罗伦萨校区, 爱尔兰, 阿根廷, 和南非, 仅举几个例子.

“不管他们去哪里, our students return to campus saying that their time abroad was a life-changing experience,默里说. "In a world increasingly interconnected by technology and the global economy, it is more important than ever for them to get a broader perspective and better understanding of America's role in the world."

In terms of its student participation rate, Marist is now ranked 18th in international education among masters-level institutions, 根据“门户开放报告”," published by the Institute of International Education, 在美国的支持下.S. 国务院. 

为 more information on study abroad at Marist, please visit the International Programs page at www.bet亚洲365欢迎投注.edu/international.


In addition to its decade of inclusion in "The Best 377 Colleges," Marist's School of 管理 is also featured in current edition of The Princeton Review's "The Best 294 Business 学校."

The 2013 edition of "The Best 377 Colleges" goes on sale August 21. 信息rmation on the schools in The Best 377 Colleges is also posted on the publisher's Web site, www.PrincetonReview.com. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University or the Educational Testing Service.
